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Chinese translation for "promote exchange"


Related Translations:
promote verb:  促进,提升
promote vt:  促进,提高
to promote:  广泛开展
digestion promoting:  促消化的化食的
promoting hormone:  生长激素
promote reemployment:  促进再就业
promoted bodies:  提升体
promote product:  推销产品
promote metabolism:  改善新陈代谢
Example Sentences:
1.They undertook to promote exchanges and trade .
2.To promote exchange and cooperation among chinese entrepreneurs organizations in the world
3.To promote exchange and cooperation among chinese entrepreneurs organizations in the world
4.To promote exchanges of views between local aids workers and overseas counterparts ; and
5.To promote exchanges of views between local aids workers and overseas counterparts ; and
6.Helpful to augment efficiency , lessen dealing costs , promote exchanging amount are its economic feature
7.The hkma launched on 1 august 2003 a 1 - year pilot scheme scheme for promoting exchange fund notes in the retail market
8.On 1 august 2003 , the hkma launched a 1 - year pilot scheme scheme for promoting exchange fund notes in the retail market
9.We will expand common interests with developed countries , deal with differences appropriately , and promote exchange and cooperation with them
10.The two principal purposes of the imf are to promote exchange stability and to help member countries overcome temporary difficulties in their balance of payments
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